PSAD Award Recipients

2020 Science Award: Sonya S. Deschenes (Canada)

The PSAD Science Award was givent to Sonya Deschenes, McGill University, Quebec, Canada for the article entitled: Adverse Childhood Experiences and the Risk of Diabetes: Examining the Roles of Depressive Symptoms and Cardiometabolic Dysregulations in the Whitehall II Cohort Study
Diabetes Care 2018;41:2120–2126 |

2019 Science Award: Amelia Lake (Australia)

The PSAD Science Award was givent to Amelia Lake, School of Psychology, Deakin University, Geelong, Australia, The Australian Centre for Behavioural Research in Diabetes, Diabetes, Victoria, Melbourne, Australia for the article entitled: A tailored intervention to promote uptake of retinal screening among young adults with type 2 diabetes – an intervention mapping approach
Diabetes Care 2018;41:2120–2126 |

2019 Travel Award Anouk Geraets (The Netherlands) and Claire Reidy (UK)

Two Travel Awards were given in 2019.

The first went to Anouk Geraets for her work The Association of Hyperglycemia and Insulin Resistance with Incident Depressive Symptoms Over 4 Years of Follow-Up – The Maastricht Study.

The second award went to Claire Reidy for her work A Novel Exploration of the Support Needs in People Initiating Insulin Pump Therapy Using a Social- Network Approach: A Longitudinal Mixed-methods Study.

2018 Science Award: Mette Due Christensen (Denmark)

The PSAD Science Award was given to Mette Due Christensen, Steno Diabetes Center, Gentofte, Denmark,  for the article entitled: Potential positive impact of group-based diabetes dialogue meetings on diabetes distress and glucose control in people with type 1 diabetes. Patient Educ Couns. 2016. 99(12):1978-1983

2018 Travel Award: Lene Joense (Denmark) and Cati Racca                                                                                                  (The Netherlands)

Two Travel Awards were given in 2018. The first went to Lene Joensen for her work How can we Use Patient-Reported Outcomes to promote patient centred care and psychosocial support in type 1 diabetes routine consultations (UPRO)? – A feasibility study. The second went to Cati Racca for her work Effectivenes of Continuous glucose monitoring versus Stepped TEPPED care with hypoaware, a web-based PsychoEducational intervention, and adding CGM as needed, in adult Type 1 diabetes with impaired hypoglycaemia awareness: ECSPECT-HYPO trial.

2016 Science Award: Andreas Schmitt (Germany)

The 12th PSAD Science Award was given to Andreas Schmitt, Diabetes Center Bad Mergentheim, Bad Mergentheim, Germany, for the article entitled: How to assess diabetes distress: comparison of the Problem Areas in Diabetes Scale (PAID) and the Diabetes Distress Scale (DDS). Diabet Med. 2016. 33:835-843.

2015 Science Award: Dominic Ehrmann (Germany)

The 11th PSAD/Novo Nordisk Science Award was given to Dominic Ehrmann, Diabetes Center Bad Mergentheim, Bad Mergentheim, Germany, for the article entitled: Longitudinal relationship of diabetes-related distress and depressive symptoms: analysing incidence and persistence. Diabet Med. 2015 Oct;32(10):1264-71. 

2014 Science Award: Michael van Vugt (The Netherlands)

The 10th PSAD/Novo Nordisk Science Award was given to Mr. Michael van Vugt, VU Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, for the article entitled: Use of Behavioral Change Techniques in Web-Based Self-Management Programs for Type 2 Diabetes Patients: Systematic Review. J Med Internet Res, 2013,15(12):e279.

2013 Science Award: Mirjana Pibernik-Okanović (Croatia)

The 9th PSAD/Novo Nordisk Science Award was given to Mrs. Mirjana Pibernik-Okanović, Vuk Vrhovac University Clinic, Zagreb, Croatia, as a lifetime achievement award.

2012 Science Award: Giesje Nefs (The Netherlands)

The 8th PSAD/Novo Nordisk Science Award was given to Mrs. Giesje Nefs, for the article entitled: Nefs G et al. The course of depressive symptoms in primary care patients with type 2 diabetes: results from the Diabetes, Depression, Type D Personality Zuidoost-Brabant (DiaDDZoB) Study. Diabetologia. 2012;55(3):608-616.

2011 Science Award: Mariska Bot (The Netherlands)

The 7th PSAD/Novo Nordisk Science Award was presented in 2011 at the 16th PSAD Scientific Spring Meeting in Cambridge, United Kingdom. The award recipient was Mariska Bot, for her article entitled: Eicosapentaenoic acid as an add-on to antidepressant medication for co-morbid major depression in patients with diabetes mellitus: a randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled study. J Affect Disord. 2010, 126(1-2):282-6.

2010 Science Award: Charlotte Paddison (United Kingdom)

In 2010 the Award was presented to Dr Charlotte Paddison, Senior Research Associate at the Health Services Research Group of the University of Cambridge. Her award-winning paper “Are people with negative diabetes screening tests falsely reassured? Parallel group cohort study embedded in the ADDITION (Cambridge) randomised controlled trial” was published in BMJ 2009, 339: b4535.

2009 Science Award: Marcel Adriaanse (The Netherlands)

In 2009 the award recipient was Marcel Adriaanse for his research on the link between diabetes and depression. His award-winning paper entitled „Diabetes-related symptom distress in association with glucose metabolism and comorbidity“ has been published in Diabetes Care 2008, 31(12): 2268–2270. A second paper on research results of The Hoorn Study („Symptoms of depression in people with impaired glucose metabolism or Type 2 diabetes mellitus“) was published in Diabetic Medicine 2008, 25(7): 843–849.

2007 Science Award: Kirsty Winkley (United Kingdom)

The 4th PSAD/Novo Nordisk Science Award was presented in 2007 at the 12th PSAD Scientific Spring Meeting in Brussels, Belgium. The award recipient was Kirsty Winkley, for her article entitled „Psychological interventions to improve glycaemic control in type 1 diabetes: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials.“ Her award-winning paper has been published in BMJ 2006, 333(7558): 65-.

2006 Science Award: Vibeke Zoffmann (Denmark)

In 2006 Vibeke Zoffmann received the PSAD/Novo Nordisk Science Award for her research “Guided self-determination improves life skills with type 1 diabetes and A1C in randomized controlled trial”, published in Patient Education and Counceling 2006, 64, 78-86.

2005 Science Award: Marie Clarke (United Kingdom)

In 2005 Dr Marie Clarke received the PSAD/Novo Nordisk Science Award for her research “Effects of a tailored lifestyle self-management intervention in patients with type 2 diabetes”, published in British Journal of Health Psychology 2004, 9, 365-369.

2004 Science Award: Frans Pouwer (The Netherlands)

The 1st PSAD/Novo Nordisk Science Award was presented in 2004 at the 9th PSAD Scientific Spring Meeting in Amsterdam. The Award was presented to Dr Frans Pouwer for his work on “Monitoring of psychological well-being in outpatients with diabetes”. His award-winning paper has been published in Diabetes Care 2001, 24: 1929-1935.