Become a member

Thank you for your interest in the international PSAD Study Group.

To register as a member, please complete the form below. For more information on memberships, email the PSAD Honorary Secretary at

Register New Account

In which setting(s) are you employed:


Additional information:

We will be sharing PSAD news and updates on our website and newsletter.

Please respond to the following to help us keep this up to date:

Are you responsible for / the copyright holder of a person-reported outcome measure (PROM)?

Who would you like to see your profile?

Note. Shared profiles would include basic information only, such as name, institution, discipline.

We will never share contact or payment details. 

Choose your membership level

Choose Your Payment Method

Note auto-renew is currently only available with PayPal payments.

Please wait a few minutes while we process your payment.

Upon difficulties with credit card payments, please contact us at

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