On this site we have assembled international guidelines on psychosocial care in diabetes treatment.
IDF Guidelines
IDF – Global Guideline for Type 2 Diabetes
There is now extensive evidence on the optimal management of diabetes, offering the opportunity of improving the immediate and long-term quality of life of those with the condition. Unfortunately such optimal management is not reaching many, perhaps the majority, of the people who could benefit. Reasons include the size and complexity of the evidence-base, and the complexity of diabetes care itself. One result is a lack of proven cost-effective resources for diabetes care. Another result is diversity of standards of clinical practice. Guidelines are one part of a process that seeks to address those problems. Many guidelines have appeared internationally, nationally, and more locally in recent years, but most of these have not used the rigorous new guideline methodologies for identification and analysis of the evidence. Accordingly the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) has developed a Global Guideline for Type 2 Diabetes (Download PDF) (Brussels: International Diabetes Federation, 2005).
IDF Europe Guideline for Type 2 Diabetes
This Guideline is available as an HTML version.
IDF Europe Guideline for Type 1 Diabetes
This Guideline is available as an HTML version.
IDF – Clinical Guidelines for the Management of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus in Childhood and Adolescence
The ISPAD Consensus Guidelines for the Management of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus in Children and Adolescence are aimed at health professionals and were formally launched on October 30, 2000. The Guidelines have been endorsed and adopted by IDF and are available as an HTML version.
IDF – WPR Type 2 Diabetes Pratical Targets and Treatments
The Asian Pacific Type 2 Diabetes Policy Group, supported by the IDF Western Pacific (WP) Region, has produced the fourth edition of Type 2 Diabetes Practical Targets and Treatments. The aim of the document is to complement individual and national guidelines, add the authority that can be provided by a regional approach as an additional support for national guidelines, and also to provide guidelines for those countries that do not have their own.
IDF Guide for Guidelines
The Guide for Guidelines is a publication of the IDF Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines. It has been written for all those involved in the care of people with diabetes; for those about to prepare guidelines to assist in the delivery of diabetes care; and for those who wish to draw on the experience of others in developing such guidelines. The publication includes:
- An overview of guidelines
- Planning and preparation issues which need to be considered before embarking on the process of guideline development
- Step-by-step advice on developing, implementing and evaluating guidelines, taking into consideration varying resource limitations in different settings around the world
- Sources of further information (mostly in English) which may be useful
EASD Guidelines
ESC and EASD Guidelines on diabetes, pre-diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases
German Diabetes Association (DDG)
The present guidelines „Psychosocial Factors and Diabetes mellitus“ were developed through an interdisciplinary process of consensus and are recognised by the German Diabetes Association (Deutsche Diabetes-Gesellschaft; DDG) and the German College for Psychosomatic Medicine (Deutsches Kollegium für Psychosomatische Medizin; DKPM) as their official guidelines. The recommandations address the topics: patient education, behavioural medicine, and psychological disorders of particular relevance to diabetes.
- Guidelines of the German Diabetes Association (DDG)
- Evidence-based guidelines – Psychosocial Factors and Diabetes mellitus (Download PDF)
- Clinical guidelines – Psychosocial Factors and Diabetes mellitus (Download PDF)
- Patient guidelines – Psychosocial Factors and Diabetes mellitus (Download PDF)
ADA Clinical Practice Recommendations
ADA Clinical Practice Guidelines are based on a complete review of the relevant literature by a diverse group of highly trained clinicians. After weighing the quality of evidence, from rigorous double-blind clinical trials to expert opinion, recommendations are drafted, reviewed, and submitted for approval to the ADA Executive Committee; they are then revised on a regular basis, and subsequently published in Diabetes Care.
National Standards for Diabetes Self-Management Education (Download PDF)
ISPAD Clinical Practice Consensus Guidelines
The International Society for Paediatric and Adolescent Diabetes (ISPAD) is a professional organization whose aims are to promote clinical and basic science, research, education and advocacy in childhood and adolescent diabetes. The strength of ISPAD lies in the scientific and clinical expertise in childhood and adolescent diabetes of its members. ISPAD is the only international society focusing specifically on all types of childhood diabetes.