One key aspect of studying the psychosocial aspects of diabetes is ensuring that the proper measurement tools are being used. In this section, we plan to give an overview of the most commonly used instruments which have been found to be highly valid in research and clinical settings. This is not meant to be a comprehensive list, but rather a location to collect and provide information on tools that the members of the PSAD Study Group have used and recommend. The tools are broken down by outcome of interest and whether they were developed for use in the general population or specifically for use for patients with diabetes. In addition, we will provide links to other resources related to psychosocial outcome measurement in diabetes below.
ICHOM Standard Set for Adults who live with type 1 and 2 Diabetes
ICHOM Standard Sets are standardized outcomes, measurement tools and time points and risk adjustment factors for a given condition. Developed by a consortium of experts and patient representatives in the field, the Standard Set for Adults who live with type 1 and 2 diabetes focus on what matters most to the patient.