Register New Account Log in to renew or change an existing membership. Username Email First Name Last Name Password Password Again What is the primary role for which you are joining the PSAD? as a current studentas a professionalas a person living with or affected by diabetesas a retired professionalIn which setting(s) are you employed: Research Healthcare Charity (e.g. community or advocacy organisation) Industry (e.g. pharmaceutical company) OtherIf other, please specify Title MsMrMrsDrProfessorAssociate ProfessorAcademic Degrees / Other Professional qualification Academic discipline Institution / Organisation / Company Do you or a family member have diabetes? YesNoPrefer not to answerYour location (Country) Do you live in a low or middle income country? You can check here. YesNoIf yes, you are eligible for a 50% reduction, with the discount code: LMIC50 Email Again Phone Number (including country code) Additional information:If you are a researcher, are you: early career (typically <5 years of completed study; NB relative to opportunity, excluding breaks or reduced time fraction for caring responsibilities)mid career (typically 5-15 years of completed study; NB relative to opportunity, excluding breaks or reduced time fraction for caring responsibilities)senior (typically 15+ years since your final qualification)We will be sharing PSAD news and updates on our website and newsletter. Please respond to the following to help us keep this up to date:Would you like to share your latest publications? Please provide your ORCID number. Do you have a professional website you would like to share? Do you have a professional social media page you would like to share? Are you responsible for / the copyright holder of a person-reported outcome measure (PROM)? Please provide name of PROM if you would like to share this information: Who would you like to see your profile?Note. Shared profiles would include basic information only, such as name, institution, discipline. We will never share contact or payment details. I consent my data being used: By the PSAD Executive Committee only (i.e. for administrative purposes only)In a private PSAD Membership directory (accessible only to other PSAD members; ie behind a ‘members only’ firewall)In a public PSAD Membership directory (available to anyone viewing the PSAD website) Choose your membership level Full Member - Professional rate - €50.00 - 1 Year Who is eligible: non-industry professionals, working in academic, health or charity settings, with active interest and/or expertise in the psychological, social and behavioural aspects of diabetes. Full Member - Student rate - €25.00 - 1 Year Who is eligible: Students, currently enrolled in undergraduate or postgraduate study. Associate Member - €25.00 - 1 Year Who is eligible: Non-professionals, eg. people living with, affected by or at risk of diabetes, who do not fulfil the criteria to be Full members. Retired professionals. Industry Member - €75.00 - 1 Year Who is eligible: Employees of a pharmaceutical, device or contract research organisation. Discount Code - Valid - Invalid Apply Choose Your Payment Method Credit / Debit Card PayPal Auto Renew Note auto-renew is currently only available with PayPal payments. Please wait a few minutes while we process your payment.