Sort By: Name Qualifications Position
Qualifications Psychiatrist, Epidemiologist Honorary Consultant Psychiatry
Position Professor of Psychiatry and Epidemiology
Specialisms Adults (≥18 yrs) ,
Adults (40-64 yrs) ,
Anxiety ,
Co-morbidities ,
Depression ,
Depression and diabetes ,
Development of measurement tools ,
Diabetes education ,
Empowerment ,
Epidemiology ,
Exercise ,
Fear of hypoglycemia ,
Meta-analyses / systematic reviews ,
Older adults (≥ 65 yrs) ,
People with mental illness ,
Positive psychology ,
Psychological adjustment / Quality of life ,
Qualitative research ,
Quality of care ,
Quality of life ,
Quantitative research ,
Resilience ,
Satisfaction with care ,
Screening ,
Stress in general ,
Type 2 diabetes
Position Senior Researcher, VU University medical center
Contact Van der Boechorststraat 7 1081BT, Amsterdam, Netherlands
+31 20 4448224
Specialisms Adolescents (13-17 yrs) ,
Anxiety ,
Blood glucose monitoring ,
Cognitive behavioral therapy ,
Communication in medical settings ,
Continous blood glucose monitoring ,
Depression ,
Development of measurement tools ,
Diabetes education ,
Diabetes related distress ,
Diabetes self-care training ,
E-health ,
Eating problems ,
Epidemiology ,
Fear of hypoglycemia ,
Fear of injecting / self-testing ,
Health status ,
Hypoglycemia unawareness ,
Hypoglycemia unawareness training ,
Insulin injection ,
Insulin pump therapy ,
Internet interventions ,
Meta-analyses / systematic reviews ,
Neuropsychological problems (related to hyper) ,
Neuropsychological problems (related to hypo) ,
Parents of children with diabetes ,
People with mental illness ,
Positive psychology ,
Qualitative research ,
Quality of life ,
Quantitative research ,
Relation or family problems ,
Resilience ,
Stress in general ,
Stress management ,
Survey research ,
Theoretical models ,
Type 1 diabetes ,
Young adults (18-39 yrs)
Qualifications BSc (hons) Psychology, MSc Health Psychology, PhD Health Sciences
Position Research Associate, University College London
Contact Research Department of Clinical, Educational and Health Psychology, University College London, 1-19 Torrington Place, London, United Kingdom WC1E 7HB
+44(0)20 7674 1787
Specialisms Adults (40-64 yrs) ,
Alcohol consumption ,
BG lowering tablets ,
Blood glucose monitoring ,
Diabetes education ,
Diabetes related distress ,
Diabetes self-care training ,
Diet ,
E-health ,
Epidemiology ,
Exercise ,
Exercise intervention ,
Foot care ,
GLP-1 analogues ,
Insulin injection ,
Insulin pump therapy ,
Internet interventions ,
Meta-analyses / systematic reviews ,
Motivation ,
People with diabetes complications ,
Qualitative research ,
Quantitative research ,
Smoking ,
Stress management ,
Theoretical models ,
Type 1 diabetes ,
Type 2 diabetes ,
Women with diabetes ,
Young adults (18-39 yrs)
Qualifications Diploma in Psychology
Position Research Assistant, Research Institute of the Diabetes Academy Mergentheim (FIDAM)
Contact Johann-Hammer-Str. 24, Bad Mergentheim, 97980, Germany
0049 (0)7931 594 550
Specialisms Adults (40-64 yrs) ,
Blood glucose monitoring ,
Closed loop pancreas ,
Cognitive behavioral therapy ,
Continous blood glucose monitoring ,
Coping ,
Depression ,
Development of measurement tools ,
Diabetes education ,
Diabetes related distress ,
Diabetes self-care training ,
Empowerment ,
Epidemiology ,
Foot care ,
Health cognitions / Illness perceptions ,
Hypoglycemia unawareness ,
Inflammatory markers ,
Insulin injection ,
Insulin pump therapy ,
Literacy ,
Meta-analyses / systematic reviews ,
Motivation ,
Neuro imaging ,
Older adults (≥ 65 yrs) ,
People with diabetes complications ,
People with mental illness ,
Personality ,
Psychotherapy ,
Quality of life ,
Quantitative research ,
Risk assessment ,
Satisfaction with care ,
Screening ,
Stress Hormones ,
Type 1 diabetes ,
Young adults (18-39 yrs)
Qualifications B.A. Psychology
Position Psychologist and Researcher
Specialisms Adolescents (13-17 yrs) ,
Adults (≥18 yrs) ,
Adults (40-64 yrs) ,
Anxiety ,
Behaviour change ,
Children (4-17yrs) ,
Co-morbidities ,
Depression ,
Depression and diabetes ,
Development of measurement tools ,
Diabetes related distress ,
Diabetes self-care training ,
Dietary intervention and group intervention ,
Epidemiology ,
Exercise intervention ,
Family therapy ,
Fear of hypoglycemia ,
Fear of injecting / self-testing ,
Infants (0-3 yrs) ,
Internet interventions ,
Meta-analyses / systematic reviews ,
Mindfulness ,
Obesity ,
Older adults (≥ 65 yrs) ,
People with IGM ,
Psychosocial support ,
Quantitative research ,
School-aged children (4-12 yrs) ,
Stress in general ,
Type 1 diabetes ,
Type 2 diabetes ,
Young adults (18-39 yrs)
Position Position: Post-doctoral Researcher Clinical Psychologist & Family Therapist
Specialisms Adolescents (13-17 yrs) ,
Adults (≥18 yrs) ,
Anxiety ,
Children (4-17yrs) ,
Community interventions ,
Coping ,
Couple therapy ,
Depression and diabetes ,
Diabetes related distress ,
Diabetes self-care training ,
Epidemiology ,
Family members at risk of diabetes ,
Family Stress ,
Family therapy ,
Fear of hypoglycemia ,
Fear of injecting / self-testing ,
Mental Illness ,
Meta-analyses / systematic reviews ,
Motivation ,
Parents of children with diabetes ,
Partners of people with diabetes ,
Peer Support ,
Personality ,
Psychological insulin resistance ,
Qualitative research ,
Quality of life ,
Quantitative research ,
Relation or family problems ,
Satisfaction with care ,
Self-management / lifestyle ,
Stress in general ,
Survey research ,
Theoretical models ,
Type 1 diabetes
Qualifications MSc in Epidemiology
Position PhD Student in Epidemiology focusing on depression and incidence Type 2 diabetes
Contact Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and Occupational Health
McGill University
Purvis Hall
1020 Pine Avenue W
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
H3A 1A2
Qualifications PhD Psychology
Position Associate Psychologist, Hospital Italiano, Bs.As.
Contact Gascon 450.Bs.As. Buenos Aires, Argentina
0054118217656 (Private office)
Primary Role Psychological Assesment.
Specialisms Adolescents (13-17 yrs) ,
Adults (40-64 yrs) ,
Anxiety ,
Co-morbidities ,
Community interventions ,
Coping ,
Couple therapy ,
Depression ,
Diabetes related distress ,
Eating problems ,
Empowerment ,
Epidemiology ,
Gestational diabetes ,
Health promotion ,
Inflammatory markers ,
Motivation ,
Neurological Disturbances ,
Obesity ,
Older adults (≥ 65 yrs) ,
Other ,
People with diabetes complications ,
People with mental illness ,
Personality ,
Psychotherapy ,
Psychotherapy ,
Qualitative research ,
Quality of life ,
Quantitative research ,
Resilience ,
Screening ,
Stress Hormones ,
Stress in general ,
Stress management ,
Survey research ,
Type 1 diabetes ,
Type 2 diabetes ,
Young adults (18-39 yrs)
Qualifications MB BChir MA PhD FRCP FHEA
Position Professor in Diabetes and Endocrinology, University of Southampton
Contact The Institute of Developmental Sciences (IDS Building), MP887, University of Southampton, Southampton General Hospital, Tremona Road, Southampton SO16 6YD UK
+44 23 8120 4665
Primary Role Clinical Academic
Specialisms BG lowering tablets ,
Blood glucose monitoring ,
Depression ,
Diabetes education ,
Diet ,
Empowerment ,
Epidemiology ,
Exercise ,
Gestational diabetes ,
GLP-1 analogues ,
Insulin injection ,
Motivation ,
Obesity ,
People with mental illness ,
Psychotropic medication ,
Quantitative research ,
Stress Hormones ,
Type 1 diabetes ,
Type 2 diabetes ,
Young adults (18-39 yrs)
Qualifications PhD, MSc, Diplompsychology, Chartered Psychologist
Position Professor of Health Sciences, Centre for Health Research, University of Brighton
Contact University of Brighton, Falmer, Brighton BN1 9PH, United Kingdom
0044 (0)7714759559
Specialisms Adolescents (13-17 yrs) ,
Adults (40-64 yrs) ,
Anxiety ,
Coping ,
Depression ,
Development of measurement tools ,
Diabetes education ,
Diabetes related distress ,
Epidemiology ,
Exercise ,
Family members at risk of diabetes ,
Foot care ,
Health cognitions / Illness perceptions ,
Health promotion ,
Mindfulness ,
Motivation ,
Obesity ,
Older adults (≥ 65 yrs) ,
People with diabetes complications ,
People with mental illness ,
Personality ,
Poverty ,
Qualitative research ,
Quality of life ,
Quantitative research ,
Resilience ,
Social bias / prejudice ,
Stress Hormones ,
Survey research ,
Theoretical models ,
Type 1 diabetes ,
Type 2 diabetes ,
Young adults (18-39 yrs)